
Updates Despite 2020 being, well, 2020, I managed to work across several shows, including The Emily Atack Show (ITV), The Adventures of Paddington (Nickelodeon), The Dumping Ground (CBBC), The Rubbish World of Dave Spud (CITV), Molly & Mack (CBBC), Danny &...

Hello 2020!

Hello 2020! This year has kicked off with Tasha Dhanraj and I winning the Writers Guild Award for ‘Best Online Comedy’ for our sketch ‘SIDE EFFECTS OF THE PILL’ for BBC3. I haven’t updated by website as much as I should have, and 2019 was a busy old year! I’ve written...

New website

I have a new website! Designed by my friend Daniel Trevenna over at Daniel Trevenna Design who also stars in many of my online videos. What a multi-talented boy! Recent Posts Winner of Writers’ Guild Award Writers’ Guild Award nomination Drunk Women...

Updated CV

I’ve had a very busy few months, consisting of many things I’m not allowed to talk about yet! I’ve updated my CV page! Recent Posts Winner of Writers’ Guild Award Writers’ Guild Award nomination Drunk Women Solving Crime Elderflower...